Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It's November....

Time seems to be going by fast. Of course, it doesn't always feel that way during the day, but the months are going by so quickly...I can't hardly believe that it's less then two months till the end of the year....crazy. In some ways it feels like it was just Thanksgiving and Christmas and here we are coming up on them again. A lot has certainly happen during this last year though, so that helps to put it in perspective. The last couple of months have been fun times for us....we're making so many new friends at our church and it's been amazing! I mean, we're constantly getting invites for bonfires, game nights and different events involving our friends from church and that's totally different for us compared to last year! It's been so encouraging too....Jacob and I have never had that the entire time we've been married (almost 4 years now!) so it's nice to finally be making friends that are alike in beliefs and at the same stage in life. We're actually going to be having a bonfire tomorrow night with two other couples from was kind of a last minute idea so not everyone could come, but the smaller the group the more we get to visit one on one with everyone and one of the couples we haven't spent much time with so it will be nice to get to know them better. Of course, it is suppose to be the coldest day/night of the week, so we probably won't be spending too much time outside other then to cook our hot dogs and s'mores and then we'll be running in to have hot chocolate! :)

I think Jacob is home from his long fishing I'll be back another time!