I feel horrible that I haven't blogged in awhile...like always, time gets away from me and then before I know it I'm behind. Extra stuff has been going on this month so the past two weeks have gone really fast for me and of course this week is Thanksgiving so it's another busy but fun week since we're going to be heading down to my family's place tomorrow! That also means I have some "sweet" baking to do, but I'm excited about that because I love to bake...the bad thing is limiting myself to a few things and not trying to convince myself of making "just one more dessert"! :) The desserts right now are: two Chocolate Cream Pies, mini Oreo Cheesecakes and some cherry ones, and Peanut Blossoms. I'm really tempted to make Pumpkin Cream Trifle though...I just found the recipe last night (after I went to the store) or else I'd probably be making it. I keep telling myself I don't need to make anything else, especially since I already went to the store and I shouldn't go again....it is sooo tempting though!
Ok, moving on to less tempting thoughts....ummm, yeah, now I'm completely lost and forgot what else I was going to write about......never mind I will show you all some pictures till I gather my thoughts. :)They love their daddy! Jacob did shave off his beard and mustache not long after I took this picture(he did it just for me...I suppose I do prefer the clean shaven look a little bit better, but I do love him no matter what :) ) so when Abigail looked at this picture she started asking about where his beard and mustache went to!
Abigail and I were having fun taking pictures......Bethany, not so much. :)
Here they are waiting to head out the door again. A week and a half ago Jacob's granddad died, so last week was pretty hectic with the visitation and funeral. Jacob was also a pallbearer so we had to make a late night run to Kohl's and get him a suit (thank goodness for holiday shopping hours!) and something for me to wear. I don't know what you can really say about a funeral...you can't really say "it was a good funeral", since that doesn't really fit the occasion, but the guy in charge from the funeral home said he had never seen so many people come to the funeral service at the church and then come all the way out to the cemetery. So, it was impressive how all the family and so many people connected to him came together.
We also got to spend another weekend down with my family, so three weekends in a row coming up this week! I love it! My brother Nathan was home from college for his week long break, so it was awesome to see him again and I can't wait till tomorrow to see everyone again! We had some fun game times too, which hopefully we'll continue tomorrow! :)Abigail was pretty happy to see Nathan since she's been talking about going to college with him ever since he left....I should be happy she isn't anywhere near college age or I wouldn't be able to keep her from going! It's pretty neat how close she is to all her aunts and uncles...one of the benefits of having spent 6 months with them while Jacob was deployed. I hope she and Bethany are always close them...it's pretty special.
Well, since I know I won't be blogging till after thanksgiving......
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
I hope you all have a wonderful day!
Posted by Hannah at 2:18 PM
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oooh..all your treats sound SO yummy. I've been so pre-occupied with moving that I just realized tomorrow is my last chance to make my last pre-thanksgiving store run. Oops! I'm totally with you on the clean shaven thing..jerem always grows a beard for deer season and I can't wait till it comes off!
It sounds like you've been pretty busy around there so I hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving and I'm sure you'll have some yummy stuff...you're always making good stuff! :) lol, yeah, it must be a guy thing to grow a beard for deer season...Jacob was really sweet and surprised me right after the first weekend of deer season and shaved it all off!
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