Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Six Years!

Sunday was our six year wedding anniversary.....
it doesn't feel like it's been that long!
Being married to Jacob has been the best thing about my life.
He makes me laugh all the time...even when he's not trying, and we have so many fun memories that still make us laugh!
We leave little notes...
Pretty sneaky (#5 &6), but I got him back! :)
 in random places to surprise the other person....sneaking it onto lists is a pretty fun way to do it. :)
I wrote, "I love you the Most" in the shower one time to surprise him (which it did!), but what was suppose to be a wipe off crayon wasn't so he got to look at it for a long time! Of course, I hid the crayon so he wouldn't find it. :)
And since this is my blog I get to write it all the time for whenever he reads it!
I love you the MOST, Jacob!
I love being married to you, and you are the best friend I could ever have!


Anonymous said...

very amazing photo of our daily life
send to me all blogged photos on the MY EMAIL