Thursday, August 12, 2010

Fun Visiting Times!

Last month and just last week we had a few of my siblings come and spend some days with us and both times it was a lot of fun! The first time they came Jacob had some time off so we did some hiking around, but this last visit we just hung out around the house and pool selling golf balls and cookies. We live right next to the 3rd green on a golf course so that was pretty convenient. :)
John, Aleah and Adalie at Taum Sauk Mountain,the highest point in Missouri. It was also the first time any of us had been there, besides Jacob.
Climbing the stairs was a little scary, especially holding a baby! Of course, after we climbed all the way up there we discovered the door was locked to get up onto the platform so we had to content ourselves with standing on the little space at the top of the stairs.
Not the best of pictures, but it's us on top of Taum Sauk Mountain! :)

John had a talk with Bethany about unrolling the toilet paper....then it turned into a fun game of making "shocked" expressions! It was pretty cute! :)

Whoever would have thought that a blow-up mattress could be turned into a slide and provide an hours worth of fun! It was quite noisy for that hour too, but so fun to watch! :)
Then Adalie and John gave Dance Dance Revolution a try and we did that for about two days, which was a lot of fun....and exercise!


Anonymous said...

Yes, fun times! Except one need to get wider couches...I still have an ugly bruise on my head.:)

Can't wait to see you guys Monday!!<3