Monday, December 7, 2009

No Posts and Christmas Desserts!

Yes, I've failed to post over the weekend at all...that is most saddening. The excuse for that (hmm, do I need an excuse?) is starting a post and never finishing it before I was too tired and had to go to bed. Rather a lame excuse, but I could come up with countless of others if necessary...I mean, just having 2 kids should be good enough! At the moment both girls are napping, but more then likely, long before I'm finished with this post, they will be up demanding my undivided attention. Not that I mind being needed, but sometimes it's nice to not have to constantly be entertaining them. Earlier Abigail was playing with her magnate alphabet on the front door and for some reason I had to be right there watching everything she did! If I walked away, she would follow me pulling on my pant leg and telling me to "come ere" and using her finger to indicate that I needed to follow her! Cute, but very demanding! She is so funny; she's getting quite the vocabulary and even when she can't say the exact words she rattles on expecting you to understand every word she says...sometimes when she's mad I wonder what she's telling me, but I guess I should be thankful for the time I don't understand what she's saying because soon enough I will understand every word and she might be headed to her bed after one of her long speeches. :) Hopefully with a better understanding of what's being said that won't be a problem, but that's probably every mom's wish! I have a lot to prepare for as my girls get older and I just hope and pray I can bring them up in the best possible way.

Right before I started writing I was looking at more yummy dessert ideas for Christmas...well, it'll actually be more like for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and the Day after Christmas with the amount that I'm looking at...maybe a lot longer with the amount I'm looking at! I had to make myself quit looking at pictures and recipe or I'd never stop finding things I think I have to latest idea was Turtle Cheesecakes! For some reason it came to mind and I had to Google it and check out all the pictures...I found a recipe from BlogChef which is one of the blogs that I follow. So far I haven't tried any of the recipes from there, but I have made a huge list of the ones I want to and Turtle Cheesecake is one of them! So, I am absolutely NOT going to add/change anything else on my list of what I want to make for Christmas...ok, ok, not unless I decide not to make something and switch it for something else or if I decide not to make something...yeah, that probably isn't going to happen! Here we go then:

Christmas Desserts!

Rocky Road Fudge
Oreo Truffles
Cookie Dough Truffles
Cake Truffles
Chocolate-Peanut Butter Fudge Bars
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownies
Turtle Cheesecake

So, what do y'all think? Sounds extremely yummy to me...ok, maybe a little like "sugar coma waiting to happen", but still Christmas only comes once a year and it'll be the first time that Jacob, the girls and I will all be with my family during Christmas, so it's gotta be good! They'll be lots of people to eat it all up and if it isn't all eaten Christmas Day then we can bring what's left to "Christmas the day after" with Papa, Nanny and the rest of the family! Who could complain about all that chocolaty goodness...anyways there are some family members in my family that could use with some "fattening up"! :) I'm pretty excited about getting to make all that good stuff and hopefully the girls will be good when I'm baking. Pretty much all of it can be made in the days before though, so that's good and either way it'll just be fun to making stuff I've never made before!


Unknown said...

Am I going to be fat after the "day after Christmas"??? 'Cause I thought I was doing pretty well for not exercising that much!

Hannah said...

I'm pretty sure you wouldn't get fat even if you wanted!

Unknown said...

I's be a fat boy if I eat too much!! ;-)