This picture makes me want to get out and do some more hiking/walking. It was taken at the Washington State Park near here...strange name for a park in Missouri! :) It has some pretty nice hiking trails and some beautiful scenery...even for winter time.
I believe this will be rather a random post of mainly pictures that have been taken in the last couple of months....think of it as catch-up in pictures, then maybe it won't be too random! :)Jacob had been going through some of his military clothes and the girls thought it would be fun to wear his hats....don't ask me why Bethany is making that strange expression...understanding her is sometimes difficult for me. And yes, we were listening to the Piano Guys on YouTube. :)
Who doesn't like to drive? The girls are no exception. While we were waiting for Jacob they thought it was highly entertaining to take turns buckling themselves in and pretending to was pretty cute! :)
The girls loved opening presents at Christmas time, and Bethany was totally thrilled when her Uncle Nathan got a purse too! Her own words when she saw him open his present containing an emergency bag for his car were: "You got a purse just like me!" I know the quality of the picture isn't so great, but I had to post it! :)
I hope you enjoyed the that I've caught up on some stuff, pictures of the girl's new haircuts will be coming soon!
Friday, April 6, 2012
Picture Catch-Up
Posted by Hannah at 9:05 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 2, 2012
Where To Begin....
Yes, I realize I am a horrible blogger, and I do feel bad about it, but life does go on and some things are more important than blogging. I was actually planning on doing homework tonight, but STARS isn't working, and everything I need to do is on there so there went that plan. I also wasn't planning on mopping, but due to an unexpected blockage in a water pipe, I will now be mopping the kitchen floor, plus lighting a bunch of candles...ugh. Also, what I thought might be a longer post will now be pretty short....never know when the unexpected will happen.This was taken earlier this winter. I thought it was cute...both of them watching a movie and cuddling together! They can be so sweet at times. :) I'll have to post pictures soon of their new haircuts...they weren't sure about them at first, but they love it and they look adorable.
It's also Jacob's birthday today, but it's been kind of a rough day with having a cold, plus dealing with a plumbing issue when he needed to be working on school stuff...poor guy, not a very fun birthday. I love you so much, Jacob! You are doing an amazing job on the bathroom and hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.
Posted by Hannah at 9:54 PM 0 comments