Ok, I haven't been really gone, but I have been gone from the blogging world for a long time now. Pretty sad I know....hopefully you all missed me some! We went to spend some time with 2 of my sisters and brother-in-law 2 weeks ago...it was suppose to be a 3 day visit, but due to weather (and enjoying our time!) we decided to stick around and then just head down to visit my family. So, what was originally 3 days turned into a week...it was really nice though and we had a fun time! I do have pictures, but I have yet to take them off the camera, I will get them off soon and I do have some pictures of before we left so that will have to suffice for now! :) I mean the Olympics are going on right now and we actually have a way of watching them....so, yes that's what I'm doing in the evenings! It's been nice to actually get to see the Winter Olympics this year...I can't even remember when the last time I saw the Winter Olympics was, but it's been a long time. My favorite part is definitely the figure skating, but I do enjoy the skiing too. Of course, I've been doing other things besides watching the Olympics.....like taking care of two ornery little girls....oh and working out. Yep, I've managed to keep up with P90X and hopefully next week I'll be able to get out and start running a little....I'm excited about that since it's been my goal since starting P90X. It has been difficult for Jacob and I to workout with Abigail and Bethany running (and crawling) around, but somehow we manage. :) Speaking of the cuties........"Bubbles" as Jacob and Abigail call her!
No smile from Abagail, but at least she's looking at the camera, which is getting harder and harder for her to do lately!
"The guilty ones!" Taking the clothes out of the basket and putting them back in multiple times turned out to be quite amusing for them and they spent probably 15 minutes doing nothing but that! Abigail did get frustrated with Bethany when she'd try to put all the clothes in the basket and Bethany would be pulling everything back out again!
See that little "evil" smile! :) She was enjoying taking everything back out of the basket while Abigail ran around trying to get it to all "stay in the basket!"
Aww, but how could you be mad at a little girl that looks this sweet!
Abigail has decided she likes her pacifier now.....tell me why she couldn't have decided that the first 6 months of her life when Jacob and I were desperately trying to get her to like it! Kids, they never (ok, not usually) do what you want them to do when you want them to do something! Oh well, you gotta love them anyways!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
I'm Back!
Posted by Hannah at 9:33 PM 2 comments
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Coconut Meringue Pie
I had my first attempt at making Coconut Meringue Pie....and I'm sure it could always be improved, but I was very happy with how it turned out since I had never made it before. I was especially worried about the meringue, but I think it turned out really well and I'm looking forward to making it again and trying to make it even better. I had more meringue I could have used and I think next time I'll put the extra on to make the meringue even bigger and prettier...then I might be able to say it was perfect! :)
See, it could definitely use more meringue! :) I'm still happy with how this one turned out though. The two hours of baking were definitely worth it to see how well it turned out and how yummy it was!
Mmmm....happy memories! Jacob was pretty happy with it too since it's one of his favorite pies, so I'll be making it again real soon for him and he wants me to make it for his granddad who really likes coconut meringue pie. So, plenty of practice coming up for me and Coconut Meringue Pie...hopefully I'll get a lot faster at making it! :)
I also know it's been forever since I've posted, but a 3 day trip to see my sisters and brother-in-law in Columbia turned into over a week long trip, but lots of fun too though! So, lots of updating to do.....sometime soon I promise...with pictures!
Posted by Hannah at 1:44 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 1, 2010
Roses & Love
Jacob is good to me in so many ways and the other day he surprised me with flowers "just because". He does things like that a lot...like yesterday he bought me a Snuggie because I hate wearing socks so my feet are always cold and I'm usually cold whenever we're sitting around watching movies or reading. So, now I have a leopard print snuggie....I had seen all the advertisements/commercials for them, but didn't think much about them....I love mine though! It's really comfortable and lightweight...perfect for sitting on the couch reading a book or cuddling with Jacob while watching a movie. :) I haven't gotten a picture of it yet (I'll try to do that sometime) but I do have more pictures of my flowers. :)
I love the white lilies! I don't think I used to like them that much, or at least I hadn't seen enough of them to know I liked them, but I really think they're pretty and they last for quite awhile too. Of course, I love the red roses too....you can't go wrong with roses no matter what the color....or at least that's what I think. Even colors I don't normally like I like when it's the color of a rose....roses just make any color pretty! I try to dry every rose Jacob gives me, so these roses are already drying to then add to my basket of roses that Jacob has given me.
My wedding bouquet is in there too (I thought I had a better picture, sorry) and I believe almost every rose Jacob has given me....I think there was a few that got to the point beyond drying before I realized it. They even survived being stuffed in a cabinet (just as they are) and being driven across Kansas in a U-haul and then being packed into a storage unit for almost a year....they don't look bad considering the facts! :) I know they won't last forever, but I think it's neat to have that many of the roses Jacob has gotten me....especially the half dozen that he gave me the day he asked me to marry him....I can still pick those roses out. They were the biggest roses I had ever seen! I wish I had gotten a picture of them the day he got them for me because they were beautiful! I actually have a picture of one of them because I held one of them when we got a picture together, that we later used as our engagement picture, but you can't really see how big the rose is in the picture........
This was the day after Jacob asked me to marry him! I love him so much and I keep loving him more and more.....you know, that's a really good feeling to be so in love with someone and know they love you just as much back. I love you Jacob even more than the day you asked me to marry you!
Posted by Hannah at 9:53 PM 2 comments